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Technology in Polo

Software that analyses the variables present in the sport

Feeling the movements of the horse when we mount it is one of the basic principles of riding. The movements can also be observed off the horse, and those with a good eye can tell a good horse from a not so good horse. The problem with evaluating a horse this way is manifested in the following ways.

Whoever is on the horse cannot observe; in fact, he is limited to feeling if the horse has high or low action, doesn’t turn well or has problems checking or stopping. On the other hand, he who observes can only see 30% of the image at one time, with the other 70% being lost, especially if the observer focuses on one particular detail, such as the way the horse might hold his head during a certain movement, thus missing whatever is happening in other parts of the body in relation to the movement. Also, we can refer to the relationship between the highest part of the rump seen with the eye (line of action) with the horse at speed, or the distance between the snout and the hock whilst checking.

Nowadays, thanks to advances in technology, we have a tool that allows us to evaluate that which is lost in the previously cited examples. We are using an innovative software the same used in different Olympic disciplines and by the best sportsmen with the aim of reflecting the movements of the horse and thus being able to optimize them. In our case, we analyse each movement of the horse on and off the field. In this way we are able to detect an if incorrect movement is caused by imbalance between one or more of its limbs (supports), and if that imbalance can lead to injuries (contractures, articular deviations etc).

Key positions are recreated in pictures from a video. These images aid the analysis of different movements. Data can be obtained from the following:
From the walk, with side, frontal and rear takes.
Movements at speed, side view.Flying changes to the left and right.
Checking and turning.
Checking and stopping with side, rear and front takes.
Spin (turning on axis) and back step.

We load the information onto a database and can therefore tell what happens to which horse during a specific movement. By knowing the data of a horse with high or low action, how they change direction and how they check, we are able to infer the correct and incorrect movements of the horse and its causes.

Utility of the system:

Determine the future of a colt according to its movements (lose in the corral).
Study a horse in training, measure its improvements and predict its outcome.
See possible imbalances caused by stress, steering or weight of the trainer.
Study the movements of a new horse and see if any inappropriate movements can be corrected.
Complimentary study of the horse during purchase or sale, assuring the salesman and the buyer of the abilities of the horse in that moment.
Follow up of a horse who is trained under the system of balance F (Daniel Anz).
